Dental FAQs Plano Dentist Office

Will my dental veneers stain?

Absolutely not. That is one of the beauties of our porcelain veneers. Unlike teeth, the finish by our master ceramist is so highly polished it does not have micropores on its surface to pick up stains. Your teeth are always beautiful, no matter how busy you are.

How soon after Zoom! Teeth Whitening will I be able to start bleaching with trays?

Usually, 24 hours or as soon as you have no sensitivity to cold water in your mouth. You will be ready to start teeth whitening at home to get those tough-to-treat areas. At-home whitening will also elongate your results.

Do I have to use special toothpaste for my dental veneers?

We recommend special toothpaste designed for highly polished porcelain ceramics to ensure the beautiful finish lasts. We also use special polishing paste for our patients during their hygiene visits.

How long will my mouth be numb after treatment?

We have a variety of anesthetics with different durations. For fillings and crowns, it will vary from one to three hours for most patients. It could depend on your metabolism and the type of anesthetic the dentist uses.

How long will my dental crown last?

Many variables determine the lifespan of your new dental crown. Statistical studies show the average crown lasts 10.3 years. The short answer is it depends on the oral environment, and your lifestyle. Patients who are clenchers and grinders and do not wear a night guard are at greater risk for fractures and root notching, or fractures.

Patients on multiple medications can affect their saliva’s pH, resulting in more bacterial growth and decay issues. We study and test the saliva through bacterial cultures for patients who have issues. Then, we give the patient supplements to change their oral environment. In our practice, we do everything possible to create the best environment for your new crown.

Do you take dental insurance?

Yes, we are committed to customer service. We will fill out your insurance claim and submit it for you. If you need it resubmitted for any reason, we will follow up and resubmit it for you.

Are you accepting new patients?

Yes, we are accepting new patients and referrals from other dentists. The greatest gift our patients can give us is to refer their friends and family to our dental office.

What is the quickest way to straighten my teeth?

Direct bonding, or veneers, is the quickest way to straighten a tooth or two. Dr. Chen and Dr. Sowell can provide tooth bonding in as little as one day. Porcelain veneers or bonded ceramics take anywhere from one to three weeks.

However, these treatments are best for a single tooth or two, not for severe crooked teeth issues. Our talented master ceramist and experienced dentist work together to provide the best possible restorations.

Another option is the Six Month Smiles invisible aligners and clear braces system. Six Months Smiles are barely noticeable aligners that will straighten your front teeth in four to nine months.

We also provide Invisalign and ClearCorrect aligners to straighten your teeth in as little as 9 to 18 months. Except for one tooth, we can correct lower front incisors in one to three months. Also, we can complete minor leveling in one day using cosmetic recontouring.

What would a smile enhancement look like on me?

Many times patients want improvements and request something they see on someone else, not realizing what it will look like on them. We always want to meet or exceed our patient’s expectations. For this reason, we use advanced photography and computer imaging mock-ups to show expected results before we begin.

This is a process and patients will understand more as they learn. So once we begin, we make two sets of teeth. The first is the prototype, which the patient can wear for a couple of days to see how their mouth will look and feel like.

Then, we will meet again and make changes on the spot until you are happy with the feel. Lastly, the ceramist will copy the can and create the desired result. This creates predictability for both the patient and dentist and will exceed expectations.

Does snoring or sleep apnea have any effects on my teeth?

Yes, sleep apnea can directly result in damage to dental work and your teeth. Snoring and sleep apnea are the body’s response to not getting enough oxygen into the body during sleep. This causes the brain to send a message to arouse us from our sleep. Sleep apnea keeps us from entering a deep and restful sleep, and we gasp for more air as we wake up.

This stimulates our jaw muscles, and we clench down on our teeth with considerable force. As we get older and heavier and ingest alcohol and medications, our muscles in the airway relax, and our airway gets smaller. The more times per minute this micro-arousal occurs, the less restful sleep we get and the more clenching we do with our teeth.

Teeth clenching and grinding causes your teeth to crack, split, and wear down. Your porcelain restorations can chip and break as well.

What does Accredited mean?

Accredited by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry means that Dr. Sowell has demonstrated superior skill and knowledge in the field of cosmetic dentistry. Dr. Chen is a multi-faceted specialist in prosthodontics. Cosmetic dentistry is not a recognized specialty of dentistry by the ADA or the state board of Texas. Thus every dentist down the street can advertise they are a cosmetic dentist without any specific training.

The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry is the largest organized group of cosmetic dentists in the world. They have created a board process called accreditation to recognize dentists who have undergone and passed this process.

Are you a general dentist, and if so, what services do you provide?

Yes, Dr. Sowell is a general dentist by degree. He did a general dentistry residency when he graduated. Then he eventually became a Fellow and later a Master in the Academy of General Dentistry. The Academy of General Dentistry is a recognition of advanced continuing education in all 11 fields of general dentistry.

Dr. Sowell provides all services that any general dentist would provide. Since we are not a PPO provider, he is free to seek long-term health for our patients, not just short-term fixes. Additionally, he provides full-service dental implant services, advanced cosmetic services, reconstruction, and cosmetic orthodontics.

How much tooth structure do dentists remove for veneers?

Some cases require minimum to no tooth structure removal. However, different dentists have different approaches depending on their skill, training, aesthetic standards, and laboratory support. The decision will depend on the position of your teeth and their health.

Other cases require from .3mm to 1mm reduction to get the aesthetic outcome the patient desires. The philosophy that guides Dr. Sowell and Dr. Chen is never to remove all the enamel. The enamel bond to porcelain is much stronger and usually lasts well over 20 years.

This conservative approach is more demanding for the dentist and ceramist. However, we base our approach on the patient’s wishes and expected outcomes, which we visualize before we begin.

Why choose a dentist with AACD credentials?

Getting the outcome you expect takes much of the risk out of the equation. You know you are getting an experienced cosmetic dentist with Dr. Sowell and Dr. Chen. They demonstrated their experience, care, skill, and knowledge before a board of the best cosmetic dentists in the world.

Most accredited dental offices fully manage the detail and complexities of cosmetic dentistry. They also have a high-end laboratory ceramist to support them. PPO dentists have a different model. They must simplify treatment and decrease detail to treat the number of patients they need to see each day.

What is the advantage of having an in-office lab?

It boils down to communication, control, accountability, and convenience for the patient. The dentist and ceramist can communicate at-will. For quality control, the ceramist gets direct and immediate eye-to-eye feedback from the dentist and visa-versa.

The dentist and ceramist are on the same page. Especially in the area of art design and color, which is best live and face-to-face. If the ceramist disappoints the dentist or the dentist disappoints the ceramist, they experience it face-to-face. If the patient needs changes, the dentist can do it during that appointment, saving the patient time and another visit.

Additionally, the ceramist can see the color and anatomy. He can hear the patient live and not depend on low-resolution photos and emails.

Can I cure periodontal disease?

No, like diabetes and high blood pressure, you can control gum disease but not fully cure it. Your dentist can restore your mouth to ideal health in many cases, but not completely rid you of periodontitis.

More advanced cases require more care and supervision. Our office focuses on treating and controlling gum disease with state-of-the-art science and literature. We are very proud of our periodontal disease treatment and success rate.