Professional Vs. Drugstore Whitening

When you want a whiter smile, teeth whitening techniques are the number one thing people turn to. While you can find a variety of whitening kits and strips at your local drugstore, there are big differences between those and teeth whitening from your dentist. Dr. Mark Sowell, a dentist in Plano, TX, explains what you need to know about both options.teeth whitening in plano, texas

Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional whitening from your dentist is the best way to get a whiter smile. At our office, we utilize the ZOOM!® Advanced Power™ teeth whitening system. ZOOM! whitening is quick and easy, offering you a smile up to eight shades whiter in just an hour in our Plano dentist office. This means your smile can be transformed over your lunch break!

In the office, you don’t have to worry about messy trays when whitening your teeth. First, we make sure your gums and soft tissue are protected from the bleaching agent. The bleaching gel is then painted onto your teeth. A special light is used to activate the bleaching agent in the gel, whitening your teeth as you relax in our office.

While professional whitening is more expensive than drugstore solutions, it also provides the longest-lasting results. After your treatment in-office, we provide you with an at-home kit that you can use for touch-ups and keeping your smile bright. Custom bleaching trays are made and fitted specifically for your smile to avoid mess. This prevents the bleaching gel from irritating soft tissue as well.

Drugstore Whitening Solutions

The number of choices when you’re at the drugstore can be overwhelming, including teeth whitening. Some brands and solutions are better than others, as is always true. But none of these brands can compare to the kind of whitening that comes from a professional whitening treatment.

For starters, over-the-counter whitening solutions are typically marketed as “one size fits all”. If your smile isn’t in that norm, the strips or trays can be ill-fitting. This can lead to sensitivity in your gums and soft tissues, as well as blotchy and uneven results.

Drugstore whitening can also lead to sensitivity in your teeth and in general. The ZOOM! whitening system is designed to minimize the sensitivity that can be experienced after you get your teeth whitened.

When you whiten your teeth at home, you’re putting your teeth more at risk. Some whitening projects may do more harm to your teeth than good. You risk having extreme sensitivity, which can make it hard to eat or drink certain foods. At-home whitening kits can also actually damage the roots of your teeth.

Teeth Whitening With Your Plano, Texas Dentist

Are you looking to get a brighter, whiter smile? Our office is here to help. Call us or schedule a consultation online to get started!