Crooked Teeth Aren’t Just A Cosmetic Issue

Do you feel self-conscious about your crooked, overcrowded, chipped, or broken teeth? You might be considering a cosmetic dental treatment to correct one of these issues but perhaps you’re unsure because you feel that “there’s no reason to fix my teeth except looking better”? However, there are very good reasons to restore your teeth beyond merely cosmetic ones. Surprisingly enough, some of these cosmetic issues actually impact your oral health and even your overall health.

Dr. Mark Sowell of Aesthetic Dentistry Centre in Plano, TX is an experienced dentist who can help you restore and preserve your smile. Learn more about the important reasons to fix dental problems from Dr. Sowell and his team below.

Reduce Your Risk of Gum Disease

Overcrowded or crooked teeth may eventually lead to even bigger problems in your mouth later. If your teeth shift in your mouth, they can become overcrowded when there’s no room for them to go. When teeth move too close together, they can crack or even fracture, causing you pain and, if left untreated, eventually lead to infections.

Crooked, chipped, or broken teeth are also more difficult to clean. If you do not clean properly between your teeth and along the gum line, plaque will form there and begin to erode tooth enamel. Also, the extra bacteria that can accumulate along your gums can cause them to become infected and inflamed, pulling away from your teeth and making them less stable in your mouth. Worse, research has linked progressive gum disease to systemic health issues such as heart disease and diabetes.

Ensure Your Teeth Wear Evenly

When teeth are not aligned properly they can wear unevenly and this can eventually cause premature tooth decay and pain. An uneven bite can take the form of an overbite, an underbite, and be the product of a jaw injury, a crooked or missing tooth, or even an uneven crown or molding fit.

Excessive tooth wear can cause teeth can be worn down to the more sensitive layers under your enamel, called the dentin, which is even more sensitive and deteriorates even faster and more painfully than the outer enamel once it’s exposed. If left untreated, a person can be wear their teeth down to their stumps, requiring bridges, crowns, root canals, implants and even dentures to repair the damage.

Improve Your Overall Health

Gum disease is linked to an increased risk in systemic health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and even Alzheimer’s. An uneven bite, fractured or overcrowded teeth, or even missing teeth can make you more prone to gum disease simply because they are more difficult to clean. Therefore, correcting what seems like a purely cosmetic problem can actually be essential for your dental and overall health.

Improve Your Smile in Plano, TX

Dr. Sowell is an experienced dentist who offers many different types of conservative, effective treatments to fit your needs. Schedule a consultation online at Aesthetic Dentistry Centre or call (972) 382-6855 today to keep your smile healthy and your confidence high!